LIS16105 Information Storage and Retrieval
LIS16105 Information Storage and Retrieval SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS
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Modern Information Retrieval- Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval, Introduction
to the search process. System for Information Retrieval - Introduction to system for
information retrieval, Online Systems, Features of Online IR Systems, Online Systems and
Information Retrieval, CD-ROM Systems, CD-ROM Systems and its characteristics, CDROM systems and information retrieval. OPACs (Computerized Library catalogues as IR
Systems) - Features of OPACs, OPACs and Information Retrieval. Internet retrieval systems
- Taxonomy of internet retrieval systems, By retrieval approach, Application search-based
directory-based, features of internet retrieval systems, coverage and source information,
indexing mechanism, searching facilities, ranking techniques, search modification.
Generations of internet retrieval systems, internet retrieval systems and information
retrieval, various IR systems and their convergence.
Retrieval Approaches and Models- Retrieval approaches - Introduction, retrieval by
searching, searching characteristics, types of searching, search strategies, The building block
approach, the snowballing approach, the successive fraction approach, the most specific
facet first approach, toward a “quick/convenient” approach. Retrieval by browsing - what is
browsing? Types of browsing, browsing strategies, Integrating searching and browsing in
retrieval, a comparison between two retrieval approaches, the integrated approach. Models
for information retrieval - introduction, foundation of all IR models: Matching, The Boolean
logic model, strengths of the Boolean logic model, limitations of the Boolean logic model,
vector space model, strengths of the vector space model, limitations of the vector space
model, probability model, strengths of the probability model, limitations of the probability
model, extensions of major IR models, IR models: A further look, A review of the major IR
models, IR models vs. Retrieval techniques, toward multi-model IR systems.
3 The Need for Information and Information Retrieval- The need for information -
Introduction, Information for direct use. Languages to be used for information retrieval -MASTER OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCES
introduction, command languages for information retrieval - Table: CompuServe
information service main menu, Table: CompuServe third level menu, Table : CompuServe
second level menu, table : broad classes of search system commands. Natural languages -
Table: some phrases that represent aspects of the concept “intelligent interfaces between
naïve users and search systems. Subject indexing - Table : some characteristics of a journal
article that might be of interest for storage and future retrieval, relatively hard data,
relatively soft subject data, terms assigned from controlled vocabularies, Controlled
vocabularies - Table: portion of Harter, Stephen P., Thesaurus of Privacy Descriptors;
interdisciplinary concepts and relationships, physical security, polygraphs, privacy, privacy
act of 1974, privacy legislation, international, privileged communication, professional
ethics, UF operations analysis Relevance (education), relevance (information retrieval) A
comparison between controlled vocabularies and natural languages, citation indexing,
Information Representation and Retrieval Services- Information retrieval services -
Introduction, meeting performance criteria for efficiency and effectiveness, meeting the
needs of employees, stakeholders and users, the challenges and opportunities of technology.
Managing libraries and information centres and the strategic approach to centres -
information representation and retrieval and their evaluation, introduction, information
representation and retrieval and evaluation measures for them, evaluation measures for
information representation, accuracy, brevity, consistency, objectivity.
Information Retrieval and Artificial Intelligence- Interaction and retrieval in online
catalogues, Introduction, OPACs and user interaction, retrieval aids, linguistic aids,
navigational aids, semantic aids, summarizing remarks, user interaction, impact and public
usage studies, performance and use pattern studies, user interaction studies, human
computer interaction, nature of HCL, direct manipulation, Icons and OPACs IR objects and
direct manipulation.
Expert systems, expert systems techniques and IR, expert front-end IR systems, Expert IR
systems, OPACXs and expert systems.
Users, Mental Models, HCL modeling - Psychological models of HCL, A psychology of
OPAC users, Non-case of use of OPACs, OPAC users mental models, OPAC users behavior
research, IR and user modeling. Information representation and retrieval and the use of
artificial intelligence - introduction, overview of A1 research, natural language processing,
the role of natural language processing in IRR, The natural language model, intelligent
agents, A1 and information representation and retrieval, clarity, readability, and usability.
Information Retrieval and the Evaluation Measures - recall and precision, table – possible
retrieval outcomes, determination of all the relevant documents in a system, other criticism
of recall and precision, variations of recall and precision measures, fallout, generality, single
measures for IR evaluation, information retrieval and other evaluation measures for it.
Evaluation criteria for IR systems - Evaluation criteria for online systems, evaluation criteria
for CD-ROM systems, evaluation criteria for OPACs , internet retrieval systems and the
evaluation criteria. Information representation and retrieval and the major evaluation
projects - Cranfield tests, Cranfield I, Table – recall ratio of four indexing systems, indexing
system recall (%), Table – indexing time vs. recall ratio, Indexing Time (minute) Recall
(%), Cranfield II, Problems with the Cranfield Tests, Significance of the Cranfield tests.
TREC Series - design of the TREC Series, Participant teams, table – number of participating
teams in TREC, TREC year number of teams, table – an overview of TREC tracks,
Evaluation and relevance judgments, findings of TREC
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